If you haven't read about the 30 Percent Solution yet, you should. MadamaB lays it out over at The New Agenda. Here's a brief excerpt:
[Carolyn] Maloney’s excellent book offers practical, real-world solutions for many of these problems; among them, lobbying for specific legislation and networking with women in business to get more females into the top slots in Fortune 500 companies. But when all is said and done, the overwhelming thing we all must do is to elect more women to local, state and federal government. Why? Because of the 30% Solution.
I had never heard of this statistic before reading this book (told you I was asleep), but apparently, it is a well-recognized fact that no significant progress is ever made on womens’ issues in any country unless the federal government is made up of at least 30% women.
With women comprising a mere 16 percent of the U.S. Congress, we rank a dismal 69 in the world. While women in other countries make progress, here in the U.S. we merely fight to hold on to rights that were won decades ago. Check out the many countries where women enjoy a higher status than we do and weep.
Read the rest of The 30 Percent Solution.
Rumors of Our Progress Have Been Greatly Exaggerated by Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney
Feminist Politics Gender News Male Domination Sexism Misogyny Equal Representation Women's History