This is the Pat Oliphant cartoon that has created such a controversy by offending virtually the entire Pentecostal denomination on the basis of the peculiar nature of their religion. As a nonbeliever, I find all religions to be exceedingly peculiar. So I am not unsympathetic to the obvious views of the liberal Pat Oliphant. But it is interesting that the religious beliefs of pols were once regarded as a private matter deserving of respect. Yet now we have devolved to such an extent that one channel of the 24/7 election war of 2008 is best described as:
Your candidate's religion is weirder than my candidate's religion!
The Washington Post says the angry emails are still pouring in. But what's really telling is the defense offered by ombuds(WO)man Deborah Howell:
"The Post has a policy against defaming or perpetuating racial, religious or ethnic stereotypes."
Seriously? Howell explains that since the Washington Post is opposed to defaming religions and perpetuating religious stereotypes, the cartoon did not run in the print edition. It was merely posted on the online Washington Post -- thanks to automatic feeds!
And that's about the scariest defense I've heard yet. Just think, this election and the fate of this nation could be decided by automatic feeds. And people think speaking in tongues is a problem?
I'll have more on the topic of Whose Religion Is Weirder later today (or this evening); right now I have a bad case of Monday grogginess, and my day job is calling. And I want to catch up on the comments about the most important issue of this election - Sarah Palin. I took a much needed break from the internet yesterday, but I see some of you did not. I hope you were all reasonably civil to each other. (Don't forget to help keep this blogger alive by clicking through the ads in the sidebar. Thank you!)
Stereotyping Palin and Pentecostalism
Election Madness Pentecostal Politics Obama Culture War Sarah Palin News Religious War Oliphant Cartoon Speaking in Tongues