Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Sexist Southern Baptists Still Scared of Women Pastors

Move over Chris Matthews. Another day, another bunch of sexist Neanderthals annoyed that all the women aren't barefoot and pregnant. The Southern Baptist Convention just pulled a magazine from its bookstore shelves because it features women pastors on the cover!

Like some MSNBC pundits we know, Southern Baptists have a problem with women in positions of authority. I guess we are going to see a whole lot of good old Southern Baptist boys voting for the all male Democratic ticket this year. Because if they don't like women breaking glass ceilings, how can they possibly vote for Sarah Palin? Maybe they'll want to vote for Ralph Nader.

The magazines are now hidden behind the counter. If you want to buy a copy of the shocking Gospel Today, you have to ask the clerk for it, just like it's porn. The religious cretins have over 150 Lifeway Christian Bookstores in the nation. (store locations) Nashville has one. Anyone want to go downtown and harass the misogynists? I wish you would.

Teresa Hairston, owner of Gospel Today, whose glossy pages feature upbeat articles about health, living, music and ministry, said she discovered by e-mail that the September/October issue of the magazine had been demoted to the realm of the risque.

“It’s really kind of sad when you have people like [Gov.] Sarah Palin and [Sen.] Hillary Clinton providing encouragement and being role models for women around the world that we have such a divergent opinion about women who are able to be leaders in the church,” Hairston said. “I was pretty shocked.” Chris Turner, a spokesman for Lifeway Resources, which runs the stores for the Southern Baptist Convention, said, “It is contrary to what we believe.” It bases those beliefs on their interpretation of New Testament Scriptures.