In the 2 minute video below, Governor Sarah Palin tells Newsweek's Karen Breslau that beauty pageants weren't really her thing. She was in it for the scholarships.
It was the 1980s, she was living in a sexist culture that gave athletic scholarships to the boys and beauty scholarships to the girls.
Recall that Sarah "Barracuda" Palin was once point guard and captain of her school's girls' basketball team (she's #22 in the photo). The video is from Newsweek Women & Leadership forum, March, 2008. I'd link to one of the sites where I found the photo, but I'm trying to limit my links to blogs with sexist comments to only one per post.

So now Huffington Post brings you Sarah Palin's 1984 beauty pageant swimsuit competition because this has something to do with the presidential election.
It's important to trivialize the candidate for being a woman, and you can do that because we live in a thoroughly sexist culture. Of course, the video could be a phony, but by the time we find out, it will have gone viral. Don't you just love the way we do politics/hate women in America?
Update: Surprise. The sneering boyz at Daily Kos have Palin's swimsuit competition up in a recommended diary. Soon every adolescent boy blog in the country will be drooling and sneering with them.
Feminist Politics Gender Sexism Misogyny Patriarchy Sarah Palin Hillary Clinton Equal Representation Feminist Trailblazers Women's History News