Monday, July 28, 2008

Cuomo Unhappy With Obama

Well there goes the convenient myth that Democratic Party disunity is the fault of sulking women. Like the sulking women, Democratic Mario Cuomo appears to prefer politicos who risk boring us with serious discussions on policy rather than thrilling us with leg-tingling shape-shifting rhetoric. Maybe Cuomo wants to start that new party? The one for grown-ups? The one we have been waiting for?

And for the record, Hillary Clinton's efforts to focus on policy were seriously impeded by the Politics of Faint and Swoon as perfected to a new art form by the One.

Former Gov. Mario Cuomo expressed concern Friday night that Sen. Barack Obama, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, is not offering specific policy positions.

"I'm unhappy with the current presidential race, so much so that I haven't endorsed Obama or Hillary (Clinton), though I'm well-known to be a Democrat," Cuomo said. "I am not endorsing because I don't think they've been specific enough. We have these big, big issues, and the political theory is: 'I don't want to get into the specifics, because if I do I'm going to get into trouble.'"