From the Washington Wire's Elizabeth Holmes, comes a note about that momentary rush of women on the political stage that was the Hillary Rodham Clinton presidential campaign. Already, she notes, politics is fast returning to the usual suffocatingly male state of affairs with an occasional sweetie squeezed into the margins.
From Meet the Press to "progressive" websites like Democratic Undergound, it was quite a novelty to see so many political discussions centered around a woman, even if they were routinely calling her a nag or a bitch.
But we're making progress, right? After all, it was only 88 years ago that we got the vote, and already we're 16.4 percent of Congress!!
Woo fucking hoo.
Elizabeth Holmes: [O]n the whole the majority of press on the campaign trail are men—courteous gentleman, to be sure, but men nonetheless. . . It continues a trend of what, with the absence of Hillary Clinton, appears to be a lack of women in this election. Whereas

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