Last week the Misogyny Channel ran a Hardball ad teasing an upcoming story about Michelle Obama's image makeover. The MSNBC ad featured what appears to be stripper clip art meant to represent Michelle Obama posing as sexy silhouetted dancers (pictured above).
Presumably, "Her New Outlook" would be sexy enough for deranged Chris Matthews and his Hardball viewers. Why the hell else would Chris Matthews want to talk about women?
MSNBC must have gotten some calls on this one. It was pulled after running "only once or twice," or so MSNBC claims. It was deemed "inappropriate."
Translation: The bitches wouldn't stop ringing our phones!!
Remember, it's not about Michelle or Hillary. It's about all women and girls!
(Watch the ad!)
MSNBC -- Phil Griffin: Phone (202) 783-2615.
Michelle Obama Misogyny Politics Feminist News Sexist MSNBC Gender Male Dominated Media Feminist Backlash Hillary Clinton