Wednesday, May 28, 2008

American Idol Obama vs. Supergirl Clinton (Video)

Here's another great video from GeekLove!

"I will get the people who voted for her, now the question is can she get the people who voted for me?"
-- Barack Obama

When someone calls Hillary Clinton a bitch, it's not just about her. It's about me and my fellow MOMocrats and my sister. It's about my mother and my aunts and my daughter. It's about mothers and friends and women who haven't even become the next generation of leaders, yet. . . The most famous and infamous TV pundits aren't reserving their 'looks are everything' moments to talk of Hillary's cleavage or wrinkles. There are no limits. We are all fair game. -- PunditMom

Obama can't beat John McCain without large chunks of Clinton's core constituency: women, Hispanics and the white working class. Dumping on their candidate is one step removed from dumping on them -- and some of the Obama people don't even bother with that step. Rove must be enjoying the show. -- Froma Harrop

Lanny Davis: Four Things the Obama Campaign Couldn't Resist Doing To Anger Clinton Supporters

Hell, if Obama can go after fundamentalist voters, there's no reason for McCain not to court the ladies. -- Jane Hamsher