Friday, April 25, 2008

Republican Attack Machine Fires At Obama (Video)

Barack Obama is circulating a memo to superdelegates which argues that he's The One because, among other things, people like him better than they like Hillary. The Obama memo reads: "His ability to expand the Democratic base, and his ability to capture the crucial Independent vote, make him a stronger general election candidate than Senator Clinton, who would enter the fall campaign with the highest unfavorable ratings of any nominee in half a century."

Barack Obama is too modest. The unity candidate hasn't been on the receiving end of the Republican attack machine for 16 years, but already he is well on his way to giving Hillary some real competition in unpopularity. Help is on the way. The Republican attack machine will be running anti Obama ads across the country beginning next week. Here's the attack ad the GOP plans to air in North Carolina next week. The ad condemns Democrats Richard Moore and Beverly Perdue for the crime of endorsing Barack Obama.

This next sleazy ad will also air in North Carolina. It will be "e-mailed to between 3 and 7 million conservatives this week, with a plea for more funding to further spread the message." The creator is Floyd Brown, who manufactured the infamous Willie Horton ad that brought down Michael Dukakis in 1988.

Yes, we know Republicans and Obamaphiles don't like Hillary. The unity candidate has told his fans many times that Hillary is polarizing. She thinks she's Annie Oakley. She attacks him when she's feeling down, periodically. She has claws. She's divisive -- unlike all those other uppity women who've had a shot at the presidency. If the unity candidate hadn't spent quite so much time trashing Hillary and Bill Clinton and numerous other Democrats, maybe there wouldn't be quite so many Democrats who vow to stay home if Obama gets the nomination. Republicans had nothing whatsoever to do with much of Obama's declining popularity among Democrats.

Media Matters: Cable news nets run ad attacking Obama over and over