Thursday, March 06, 2008

FactCheck.Org: Hillary's Camp Did NOT Darken Obama's Photo

The Daily Obama is fast becoming Lunatic Central, and that goes for Obamablog too. It just goes to show that you can only indulge in obsessive Hillary-hating, or any kind of hating, for so long before you fall off the deep lunatic end.

Kos himself has now joined the lefty conspiracy ring whose latest bizarre charge is that Hillary Clinton's campaign is in fact an EVIL & RACIST campaign and the EVILDOERS have darkened Senator Obama's face! Because appealing to famously racist Democrats by making Obama look blacker is the sure-fired way to win the Democratic nomination. Gawd.

But the first photo of Obama pictured above is Not the photo allegedly darkened by the Clinton campaign. This racist photo is from the Associated Press, obviously the AP is racist to the core, and they want your votes!

The next photo is from Black College Wire and they have obviously tried to fool America into thinking that Obama is white!!!

The final racist photo (below) is also Not the photo allegedly darkened by the Clinton camp. This foul racist photo is instead from Getty and is found over at Mark Halperin's racist Page at the racist TIME Magazine. Horrors! (And exactly what color is Hillary supposed to be?)

Upon examining all the evidence presented at Daily Kos and Americablog, concludes that the Obamalunatics are positively full of it: "Some Obama backers cry 'racism.' We find the accusation to be unsubstantiated." Ann Bartow over at Feminist Law Professors concurs.

All of this talk of the dream ticket is well and good, but if it doesn't happen soon, it may be too late because some of us will soon be crossing the street in order to keep a safe distance from the bat-shit crazy Obamalunatics.

Did Hillary Clinton Darken Obama's Face?