The debate was barely over before the Obama camp lashed out with yet another attack. After all the warm and fuzzy talk about unity and friendship between Hillary and Barack, you'd think they could give us one little night before going into attack mode.
I mean it's not like Obama is all that far behind.
Obama says talk of plagiarism is the 'silly season in politics.' Obama says 'tit for tat' politics is not what the American people want to hear. Yet as soon as the debate is over, Obama's camp sends out emails charging that Hillary Clinton stole whole words from John Edwards!
Obama is the candidate for political change, the holier-than-thou candidate who is above all the divisive politics of yesteryear. That's what they say. But it's the hypocrisy, stupid.
Here's the shocking passages cited by Obama's camp:
Hillary: "You know, whatever happens, we're going to be fine. You know, we have strong support from our families and our friends. I just hope that we'll be able to say the same thing about the American people. And that's what this election should be about."
Edwards: "What's not at stake are any of us. All of us are going to be just fine no matter what happens in this election. But what's at stake is whether America is going to be fine."
Hillary stole the words: 'fine,' 'going,' 'happens,' 'America,' and 'election'? Hillary stole 'going to be fine'? Are you freaking kidding me? And this is supposed to compare with lifting entire lines? Apparently, they have kids from middle school working overtime at Obama's camp.
And don't talk to me about the armed robbery of ideas. Ideas travel and evolve. Sometimes they even occur simultaneously to people on opposite sides of the planet. No one owns ideas. And you'd be hard pressed to go back in time to find the very first person who ever expressed this particular idea. But this latest attack from the candidate who maintains that he is above all that is damn funny, as well as juvenile, because Elizabeth Edwards has accused Obama, not Hillary, of stealing from John Edwards. And I don't think she meant 5 whole words.
I watched MSNBC for about 5 minutes. That's all I could stand. With his mouth set in permanent pompous disapproval mode, Keith read verbatim from the attack email sent out by the Obama camp. I turned back to CNN to listen to the CNN Villagers trash Hillary because it doesn't hurt as much as listening to Keith Olbermann, a man I used to respect, trust, and admire. And then I turned over to Fox News, because if I'm going to tune in to hate-tv, I'd rather hear it from the other side.
Oh, and all the Obamapundits said Hillary's line, Change you can Xerox, was a big flop. How did we ever know what we thought before we had cable news? I'm putting it on a bumpersticker.
“If your candidacy is going to be about words, they should be your own words. Lifting whole passages is not change you can believe in, it's change you can Xerox."
Hillary Clinton Barack Obama Plagiarism News John Edwards Politics Texas Democratic Debate Obama Hypocrisy CNN MSNBC