Quote of the Day
"People don't want to speak out against Obama because of the fear of being seen as racist. It's easier to say you want to keep a woman barefoot and pregnant....You can call a woman anything."
--Dan Leihgeber, Ohio steelworker
"Mr. Leihgeber, the steelworker, says he supports Sen. Clinton for her experience and positions. He carries a book bag to work every day with his lunch and a newspaper inside and a Clinton button pinned to the outside. Some days, he says, he turns the bag around so the Clinton button doesn't show; he says he doesn't like dealing with his co-workers' derogatory comments. Mr. Leihgeber says he wouldn't be heckled so much for an Obama pin." via The Wall Street Journal: White Men Hold Key for Democrats
Cartoon via Women's Space
Hillary Clinton Barack Obama Misogyny 2008 Feminist News Race Gender Politics Texas Democratic Ohio