A must-see video here. Machinists Union President Tom Buffenbarger has a history with Barack Obama. The union president decimates Obama for all-round hypocrisy and for betraying Maytag workers, among other charges. Buffenbarger's charge against Sen. Obama is a lot more serious than this little sound-bite the media chose to go with: "I've got news for all the latte-drinking, Prius-driving, Birkenstock-wearing, trust fund babies crowding in to hear him speak! This guy won't last a round against the Republican attack machine. He's a poet, not a fighter."
"This is no time for a poet. . . Hillary Clinton is a fighter. When the going gets tough, Hillary stands her ground. She’s the president for the 21st century! Hillary, we’ve got your back!"
No Quarters: "Machinists Union President Tom Buffenbarger, introducing Clinton, talks about Maytag. He talks about the betrayal by Barack Obama, who only gave those Maytag workers a speech. WORDS. Baloney. But then Obama collected huge sums from the Crown family of Chicago, owners of Maytag who shipped those workers’ jobs out of the country. The Crown patriarch says that when he talked to Barack Obama, the subject of those jobs NEVER came up."
McClatchy/Chicago Tribune article: Obama’s fundraising, rhetoric collide: Union says senator did little to save jobs
Hillary Clinton Barack Obama News Gender Race Politics Tom Buffenbarger Ohio