While Tweety and assorted right-wingers celebrate Obama's victory as a reason to "dance on Hillary's political grave," they would be wise to recall that the woman has a very long track record of being a fighter, not a quitter.
It's true that the theatrically talented Obama won a bounce from Iowa, but that red state is known to be especially chilly to women who dare to seek high office. Moreover, the Iowa caucus discourages participation of working class folks. And Senator Clinton gets much of her support from working class and black women.
There are no black women in the exceedingly rural state of Iowa!
Among the many who are disenfranchised in the wildly unrepresentative state of Iowa, are all those who feel intimidated about the prospect of revealing their preferred candidate to their boss, their clients, their spouses, their neighbors.
"Privacy be damned," in Iowa, "you vote with your feet, and everyone knows about it."
The important question now is:
Will Obama's bounce enable him to overcome Hillary's lead in the far more democratic and more women-friendly state of New Hampshire?
Iowa tally -- Obama: 37.58%; Edwards: 29.75%; Hillary: 29.47%.
New Hampshire 5-Poll Average Graphic via Pollster.com
"[A]fter every commercial during "Hardball" I expect Chris Matthews to come back smoking a cigarette, with his shirt undone."-- Taylor Marsh
Hillary Clinton Obama New Hampshire Polls News Edwards Democratic Iowa Politics Iowa Caucus Chris Matthews