Here's the Grand Prize Winner of Ecospot -- a contest held over at Al Gore's Current.com. And does this grand prize winner know how to use a metaphor or what?
There are lots more awesome-plus contest winners/public service announcements on the climate crisis over at Current.com. One of my favorites is 3rd place winner: I did Noth'N. Some of the PSAs are funny in a morbid kind of way, like Lights Out (Cheeto and Vinn star in several of the Ecospots) and The Bags. Okay, I confess. We sat around and watched half a dozen pages or more of Ecospot video clips at my house last night. Addicting!
Warning: You may develop a desire to submit content to Current.com. One more confession, Current has recently become the favorite TV station at my home.
Al Gore News Ecospot Politics Global Warming Climate Crisis Current TV Environment Green Politics Sky is Falling