Monday, November 26, 2007

Trent Lott to Resign - Eyes Turn to Larry Flynt - Dems Eye Mississippi

Another day, another Republican resignation on the horizon. Senator Trent Lott announced today that he will resign before the end of the year. It's not much fun being in the loser minority party, so another racist is moving on to greener pastures.

Getting out now will enable Lott to avoid the "tougher restrictions in a new lobbying law that takes effect at the end of the year," or so they say. They say that Lott's resignation will permit him to rake in the lobbying dollars immediately instead of sitting through a dismal wait period of two years.

Or maybe the real reason Lott is stepping down is that Larry Flynt is hot on Trent's tail, um, I mean trail. Flynt says he has a major scandal in the works -- a "'bombshell' that will stand 'Washington and the country on its head.'” And Flynt's upcoming 'bombshell' just happens to involve a prominent U.S. Senator. Oh my.

Reps. Chip Pickering ("who appears in the movie Borat, with a bunch of Pentacostal Christians cheering against the teachings of evolution") and Roger Wickeris are rumored to be the most likely replacement candidates.

Strange as it seems, Mississippi is now an actual potential Democratic pick-up state. Jerome Armstrong explains.

And here's more news of the weird: Rightwing bloggers dislike Senator Lott as much as do lefty bloggers.

Update: Larry Flynt Forces Sen. Trent Lott to Resign?
Rent boy on sex with outgoing Republican Senator Trent Lott: No comment