Sunday, November 18, 2007

Newsweek's Karl 'Traitor' Rove Opines on 'How to Beat Hillary'

I have a subscription to Newsweek that I don't need anymore. CANCELED BECAUSE TRAITOR KARL ROVE WORKS FOR YOU -- is what I'm writing on the bill.

Maybe you heard that Newsweek hired Karl Rove to write about presidential politics. Rove is supposed to balance the columns of Daily Kos founder, Markos Moulitsas. How's that for fair and balanced?

In Rove's first column, the kind and gentle, warm and fuzzy Karl Rove repeats all the usual rightwing talking points about the uppity bitch. Hillary's the Ice Queen, the bitch, she's what 'rhymes with witch.' She's 'hard and brittle.' She's 'calculating' and 'inauthentic.'

And Rove was so hoping for the sweet and docile Democratic nominee.

So all Republicans need to do is nominate someone who is not a bitch, someone who is a warm and fuzzy authentic liar like Bush and then everything will be peachy keen for the lousy Party of Liars and Incompetents. I can hardly wait.

Rove does cover just a little ground that involves something other than calling Senator Clinton names. I know some middle school students who would also like to write for Newsweek.

Recommended reading: Myths and falsehoods about Hillary Rodham Clinton