Friday, November 30, 2007

Gee, Thanks for the Leadership Bredesen

Bredesen Says Dems Can't Win TN Senate, screams the AP headline posted over at Senator Corker's (R) website. Governor Bredesen (D) says it's just as well that Mike McWherter decided not to challenge Senator Lamar Alexander (R) in next year's election because Tennessee Dems are pretty well doomed to lose.

Gee, thanks Bredesen. That's just the kind of motivational leadership the Tennessee Democratic Party Republican Party was looking for.

But that's our DINO Governor. If Bredesen has ever stood and fought for a Democratic cause - other than himself - I can't remember it.

"[Bredesen's] shown little creativity . . and no compunction about tossing poor and sick Tennesseans off [TennCare] if the bottom line beckons."-- Ezra Klein