It's hard to be shocked by anything coming out of the Bush Administration, but this one's a real shocker. Former Surgeon General Richard H. Carmona testified before a Congressional panel that under the reign of control freak Bush, decisions about public health are based on politics, not science.
While this is exactly what we've come to expect from the Control-Freak-in-Chief, the details are so over the top that they would be disbelieved if we were living anywhere other than in Bush's America.
How bad does it have to get before the media does its job and the country rises up and tells Bush to just f**king go???
Former Surgeon General Richard H. Carmona told a Congressional panel Tuesday that top Bush administration officials repeatedly tried to weaken or suppress important public health reports because of political considerations.
The administration, Dr. Carmona said, would not allow him to speak or issue reports about stem cells, emergency contraception, sex education, or prison, mental and global health issues. . .
Dr. Carmona said he was ordered to mention President Bush three times on every page of his speeches. He also said he was asked to make speeches to support Republican political candidates and to attend political briefings.
And administration officials even discouraged him from attending the Special Olympics because, he said, of that charitable organization’s longtime ties to a “prominent family” that he refused to name.
“I was specifically told by a senior person, ‘Why would you want to help those people?’ ” Dr. Carmona said.
The Special Olympics is one of the nation’s premier charitable organizations to benefit disabled people, and the Kennedys have long been deeply involved in it.
When asked after the hearing if that “prominent family” was the Kennedys, Dr. Carmona responded, “You said it. I didn’t.”
But you'll be happy to hear that the Bushies say the new Surgeon General nominee, Dr. James Holsinger is qualified for the job!
Kennedy Bush Impeach News Politics Surgeon General Carmona Republicans Above the Law