The caption of this remarkable photo found on the front page of yesterday's Washington Post reads:
A Stroll Through 'Hillaryland' -- Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) has brought together a powerful group of women from her White House days to drive her campaign for the presidency.
But the Clinton campaign made a mistake when it released this photo, said political pundit, David Gergen last night on CNN's Anderson Cooper show.
Gergen's problem?
The photo has too many women in it!
OMIGOD, they're all women!
Gergen grudgingly acknowledged that 'the photo' has 'historic value' -- but damn it, what will the men think?
Maybe David Gergen should stop for a moment and think about the outrageous fact that women have been putting up with male campaigns, male candidates, male presidents, male mayors, male governors, male judges, male justices, male popes, male CEOs, and, yes, male pundits for lo these many millennia.
Maybe David Gergen should stop and think about the fact that women comprise the majority of the population and the majority of voters. Maybe David Gergen should stick it up his obtuse male ass.
Gatekeepers of Hillaryland: They are acutely aware their work is making history. Once seen as a tight little sorority, today the group -- happily self-described as "Hillaryland"-- is at the center of a front-running presidential campaign. Never have so many women operated at such a high level in one campaign, working with a discipline and a loyalty and a legendary secrecy rarely seen at this level of American politics.
Hillary Clinton 2008 News Gender Politics Feminism Hillaryland Photo David Gergen Patriarchy Scared White Men