This is one of those rare days when it almost seems like there is actually something called Justice in America.
Despite the fact that Judge Walton has received threats from Libby's fans -- probably from famed judge-hater Tom Delay -- the Judge ruled that Scooter Libby must report to prison. That would be in the next 45 to 60 days, and that would be in spite of a pending appeal.
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- A federal judge on Thursday ordered I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby to report to prison while his attorneys appeal his perjury and obstruction convictions.
Libby's attorneys asked that the order be stayed, but U.S. District Court Judge Reggie Walton denied that and told Vice President Dick Cheney's former chief of staff that he had 10 days to appeal the ruling.
Libby was sentenced to 2½ years in prison for lying and obstructing the investigation into who revealed in 2003 that Valerie Plame Wilson was a CIA operative. He also was fined $250,000.
Libby's attorneys argued that Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald did not have the "proper authority to bring the case against Libby." I seem to recall that the White House Bushies in charge of the Department of InJustice once considered firing Fitzgerald along with all those other non-obedient prosecutors.
Libby will certainly file an emergency appeal in the hopes of delaying his imprisonment.
As to the actual conviction, in the view of Patrick Fitzgerald, "the prospects of an appeals court overturning Libby's conviction are slim."
Something tells me that Judge Walton is not a loyal Bushie. Judge Walton was displeased with "the quality of an amicus curiae brief submitted by former Judge Robert Bork" and other prominent law professors.
Judge Walton said, "These are intelligent people, but I would not accept this brief from a first year law student."
Competence does seem to be a leftwing thing.
In the next few days, expect to hear rightwingers writhe and scream about the dire need for the Commander Guy to pardon Cheney's good buddy and fall guy.
Poor Bush, he just "feels terribly for Scooter."
Valerie Plame Scooter Libby Pardon CIA Leak Case Patrick Fitzgerald Bush Politics News Cheney Joseph Wilson Plamegate Judge Walton Fitzmas