The Democratic presidential candidates will show their progressive colors this week at the Take Back America 2007 Conference.
Rick Klein and Teddy Davis of ABC News should do us all a favor and confine themselves to covering the politics of Paris Hilton.
"Democratic Candidates Moving Left -- Candidates Rally Liberal Base to Win Nomination, Risk General Election Support"
That's the headline of their ABC News article which makes some decidedly stupid assertions such as: If Democratic presidential candidates actually stand for Democratic principles they might lose the election. They might lose Independent voters -- you know, the voters who are leaning to the left, according to all the latest polls. In study after study, the majority of Americans come down on the side of liberals. For god's sake, even rural voters are deserting the incompetent party of Bush!
Another laughable assertion: The aforementioned danger of a Democratic loss is especially true if Rudy Giuliani or John McCain win their party's nomination. Ah, yes, Democrats who stand for Democratic principles will have a real hard time winning in 2008 if the pro choice and pro gay rights cross-dressing authoritarian turns water into wine, or wins the rightwing party's nomination. And likewise if the pro war Bush clone should miraculously win the nomination of the Bush Party.
Let me guess -- 'journalists' Rick Klein and Teddy Davis receive helpful emails from the RNC.
The one redeeming passage of their article notes what a difference one year of lefty activism can make:
A year ago, Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., was roundly booed at the Take Back America conference when she stated her opposition to setting a deadline for troop withdrawal. When Clinton addresses the same gathering of 3,000 progressive activists Wednesday, it comes shortly after she reversed course and voted to cut off funding for the troops as a means of ending the war.
While Hillary Clinton has a long way to go before anyone outside of the lunatic rightwing Republican Party would call her progressive, the good news is that there is still time for her to get the message that left is where America wants her to go!
The Take Back America 2007 Conference runs Jun 18-20. Here's the beyond impressive list of speakers. It should be interesting.
Take Back America 2007 Hillary Clinton Barack Obama John Edwards 2008 News Democrats Politics Coming Progressive Era Liberal Rudy Giuliani John McCain