Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Another Racist, Heterosexist Bush Nominee

And Bush, the jokester of a leader of the free world, chooses yet another racist and heterosexist judicial nominee.

Evidently, our deranged dear leader is stepping up his efforts to bury all of us -- along with the Republican Party.
A non-negotiable quality for judicial nominees is that they must be committed to equal justice. Judge Southwick, whom President Bush has nominated for a seat on the New Orleans-based United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, repeatedly failed this test as a Mississippi state court judge.

He clearly failed the test when he ruled for a social worker who was rightfully fired for calling a black colleague “a good ole nigger.”

. . . And he failed the test when he joined a majority opinion that denied a bisexual mother custody of her child. Adding insult to injury, he joined a concurring opinion that went on to berate the mother for her “decision to participate in a homosexual relationship” and reminded her that one of the consequences of her “exertion of her perceived right” was that she might lose her child.