Monday, May 07, 2007

Fred Thompson Bombs in Orange County

Bad Reviews for Fred Thompson's speech at Prestigious Lincoln Club of Orange County

Fred Thompson bombed big time in his first major speech as Ronnie Reagan wannabe, according to Bob Novak. The conservative Robert Novak writes in the Washington Post that Thompson "needs preparation" and that the bit actor in the Law and Order series is no Ronnie Reagan:

"It was not Reaganesque." "No red meat." "Too low key." That was the preponderant reaction I heard to Thompson's half-hour presentation (leavened by a few favorable comments, mostly by women, that he was more "statesmanlike" and "presidential" than the announced candidates). Lincoln Club members, like many conservative Republicans, have been unimpressed by the existing field of Republican hopefuls and envisioned Thompson as the second coming of Ronald Reagan. They did not get it Friday night.

And over at the Hotline, Marc Ambinder concurs:

There was very little red meat: (The solution to America’s woes: optimism. Iraq? Democrats? They want to raise taxes and are playing “crass politics.” Taxes? Too high. Government? Too large and overbearing.) Thompson did not talk about morals, or abortion, or God, or gays, or guns.

Our local paper, the Tennessean tells us that Thompson was a bad boy and a mediocre student in high school who still managed to get a degree from Vanderbilt University.

Sound familiar?

Photo of Fred Thompson and his wife Jeri Kehn.

via Political Wire: Thompson Flops