Lawmakers Hope to Outlaw the Tennessee Custom of Placing Foreign Flags Above American Flags on Government Property
Apparently Iraqi, or Canadian, or, um, maybe French flags have been seen flying above the American flag over courthouses and other government buildings across the state of Tennessee.
Or so our 'leaders' would have us believe.
Our lawmakers are determined to put a stop to this outrageous practice! Nevermind that no one has ever actually seen a French, or Canadian, or Iraqi flag flying above the American flag anywhere in the entire state.
Lunatic Tennessee lawmakers are certain that 'we the people' are scheming and plotting to climb a flag pole and raise the Canadian flag higher than the American flag. I mean they have health care in Canada, don't they?
So the next time you climb a flag pole with a Canadian flag clutched in your health care deprived hands, be aware that HB1408/SB1932 and HB1409/SB0546 (pdf) will make it a misdemeanor for "failing to place the official flag of the United States on top when such flag is flown on the same pole with other flags."
Has Lou Dobbs moved into the Tennessee State Legislature?
Among other incompetent fools, you can thank Republican Rep. Eric Watson of Cleveland for this piece of lunacy. And they pay people for this buffoonery.

"Rep. Rob Briley, a Nashville Democrat and chairman of the Judiciary Committee, added an amendment to each of the House versions of the bills clarifying that the legislation applies specifically to government property, including education institutions."
Suddenly I'm feeling an uncontrollable urge to decorate my porch with some furin flags. Which ones shall I choose?
Foreign Flags Immigration Ethnocentrism Tennessee Politics Rep. Eric Watson News Anti Immigrant Lou Dobbs Cleveland Rob Briley