Chattanooga Will Tell Harold Ford that there are Liberals in Tennessee
DLC Chair and Fox News commentator Harold Ford will be in Chattanooga on Thursday, April 12 to deliver a speech to the Hamilton County Democratic Party.
According to Chattanooga blogger, Doctormatt over at Outrage, Hope and Action, folks will gather on the sidewalk outside the event to remind Harold Ford that there are liberals in Tennessee. (Which may well be why the Fox News commentator lost his bid for the Senate.)
Ford will be at the Sheraton Hotel on Broad Street, in Chattanooga at 5:30 to 7 P.M., on April 12. The program begins at 6:15 P.M.
If you are in the area, join Doctormatt and tell Harold Ford that as long as he ignores the Democratic base, he will continue to lose elections:
"Want to remind Harold Ford that there are Liberals in Tennessee? . . . I plan on helping with a 'meeting committee' on the sidewalk outside the event, and invite you and yours to participate, starting at 4:45PM. Bring your own signs. Also, bring some food as some homeless folks will be coming for dinner."
The view from the Left on Harold Ford:
Harold Ford Eaten Alive at TPM Cafe
In Which Harold Ford Has His Buttocks Handed to Him
Harold Ford is Still a Joke
Has Anyone Seen Harold Ford Jr.?
Right where he belongs: Harold Ford, Jr. joins Faux News
Plan B From Outer Space
Ford: F'd Over Republican Dimwit
Harold Ford Jr.: One of Them
Harold Ford News Politics Tennessee Liberals Chattanooga Democrats DLC Protest