In response to the widespread outrage at Imus' racist and sexist remarks about the Rutgers women's basketball team, MSNBC and CBS Radio have suspended his show, but only for two weeks. The suspension will begin on April 16. A better idea is for Imus to be fired, or he could go wherever the heck Howard Stern went.
MSNBC "served notice that it will not tolerate another insensitive remark" from Imus.
When Imus appeared on Al Sharpton's radio show, Sharpton told him: “This is not about whether you’re a good man. This is about setting a precedent that allows racist language to be used on mainstream, federally regulated television and radio. . .What you said is racist.”
Sharpton said Imus should be fired.
BooMan has examples of some of the hateful remarks that Imus regards as just his comedy act.
Imus Politics Racism Sexism News Gender Al Sharpton MSNBC Rutgers CBS Don Imus