If enough of us want it bad enough, we can have it. On April 28, America will raise its voice and demand that our 'leaders' impeach the men in charge of the train-wreck called America.
Find out what impeachment activities are going on in your area at A28. If nothing is going on, it's up to you. Just notify the folks at A28 and they'll add it to their list.
As the snippets below document, impeachment fever is indeed rising.
Impeach both President Pissypants and Darth Cheney:
Impeachment Fever Rises: ". . {W]ith the Administration's troubles mounting, [citizens are] preparing to tell Pelosi that America and the world cannot wait until January 20, 2009, to put an end to Bush's reign of error. . Pelosi arrives at the California Democratic Convention in San Diego on April 28--the same day that activists nationwide will rally for presidential accountability -- she'll find on the agenda a resolution that declares that the actions of President Bush and Vice President Cheney 'warrant impeachment and trial, and removal from office.' Delegates are expected to endorse the measure."
Kucinich to launch Cheney impeachment push on April 25
Impeachment Battle Begins in Earnest on Wednesday: Rep. Dennis Kucinich plans to introduce Articles of Impeachment for Dick Cheney next Wednesday, April 25.
Bush Politics News Cheney Impeach Bush and Cheney Miserable Failure Iraq The Decider Republican Crooks