Friday Funnies: Dick Cheney for President!
The New York Sun thinks it has an answer to the continuing dilemma of where to find an old white male GOP candidate who does not put everyone to sleep. You guessed it. The paper wants the Cheney Monster to run!
After all -- how could FU Dick, the man who accuses Democrats of being ‘Stalinist’ for blocking the appointment of Swift Boat Sugar Daddy Sam Fox -- evah put anyone to sleep? Comrades surely want to know. [via]
Cheney may be dreaming of running himself.
The Sun argues that if Dick is in the race, President Pissypants' approval ratings would leap up by 5 or 10 points! Let's see now, if true, Bush's numbers might well leap up to the mid or high 30s. Woohoo! Run, Dick, run!
NY Sun:
Mr. Cheney is so much more experienced and shrewd a figure, one who could help settle some of the arguments about the Bush years in favor of Mr. Bush. A White House aiming to get Mr. Cheney elected could also avoid some of the hazards that befall lame-ducks — drift, brain drain, irrelevance. Such a campaign might lift Mr. Cheney 's own standing in the polls.
The vice president's stature would put him instantly into the first rank of contenders on the Republican side. On Monday, speaking in Alabama, the vice president received such a warm greeting that he began his remarks by saying, "A reception like that is almost enough to make you want to run for office again." It is hard to imagine the vice president did not comprehend how tantalizing such a remark would be.
I am so tantalized!
Dick Cheney News Politics Cheney for President 2008 Stalinist Sam Fox Democrats