Notorious Stacey Campfield Praises Nashville's Democratic Rep. Rob Briley for Pro Gun Amendment
"Why don't we just let you take your gun anywhere you want to?" -- Rep. Rob Briley
You have to worry when your Democratic Representative receives praise from the infamous Stacey X. But it does sound like there is something else going on. Just imagine working with wingnuts like Campfield on a daily basis. Still. . .
In a post titled "Rob Briley I hardly know you," Campfield writes on his blog:
"OK I had to have had one of the biggest shocks I have had in the legislature when I was sitting in Criminal practice sub committee (No that is not where criminals go to practice) I was waiting for my bill to come up when my good friend and office mate Frank Nicley had a bill up that would allow people to carry a handgun in a state park if they have a licence (think wild bear).
What happened next was mind boggling Rep. Rob Briley amended the bill to allow people to carry any where except where not allowed by federal law(as long as they have a licence). . . Where is the Rob Briley we know and hate? I had to applaud I was so in shock. Rob if you keep this up we may have to make you an honorary Republican."
The report from the Knoxville News Sentinel suggests that Briley may have acted out of frustration. Still, this is not good.
In a surprise move, a House panel voted Wednesday to repeal a state law that forbids the carrying of handguns on property and buildings owned by state, county and city governments - including parks and playgrounds. . . Rep. Rob Briley, D-Nashville, promptly proposed an amendment to expand its scope. "We've been piecemealing this thing year after year," Briley said. "Why don't we just let you take your gun anywhere you want to?"
. . . Briley, Sontany and others said afterward that it would allow permit holders to take their guns on most other state, county or city government property - including the Legislative Plaza, where signs are now posted to prohibit weapons except those carried by law enforcement officers.
Briley said in an interview that he and a handful of other legislators in subcommittees have borne the brunt of harsh criticism from some gun owners for opposing past efforts to "nibble away" at restrictions on where handguns can be taken. "This has been on the backs of just a few people," he said. "Now it's time for other people to stand up and say, 'We want these protections in the law' - or not."
Of course, Legislative Plaza is the site of our legislators' offices, and it is right across the street from the Capitol. If this bill becomes law, then the next time Republicans hold an angry brick-throwing protest at the Capitol -- they'll be legally entitled to bring their guns.
Hmmm. That's one way to achieve Rove's dream of a permanent Republican majority.
Photo: Rep. Rob Briley, Phone: (615) 741-2184 / rep.rob.briley@legislature.state.tn.us
Hat tip to Vol. Voters
Rob Briley Politics Stacey Campfield Stacey X Guns Tennessee Legislators Frank Nicley News Nashville