Is anyone counting the scandals in this Rovian Era?
Lambert at Corrente has this photo of Karl Rove carrying a Coptix brochure at a diner called Porkers in Chattanooga. [via]
Apparently, Coptix is code for Another Crooked Republican Scandal Emerging. Lambert explains the techy details.
Cool Aqua has a less geeky summary:
"Coptix is the ISP nameserver for the e-mail domain (GWB43.com), owned by the Republican National Committee, that Karl Rove and White House have been illegally using to hide White House e-mails relating to the firing of US Attorneys, from the scrutiny of the White House e-mail tracking system."

See: Committee Directs RNC to Preserve White House Emails
Update: The dastardly Chattanooga Coptix pranksters fixed the photo!
RNC Bush Karl Rove Coptix GWB43.com News Politics Chattanooga Tennessee White House Email
Alberto Gonzales Susan Ralston PurgeGate