The anti-choice billboard pictured here is on display in downtown Nashville, compliments of the rightwing LAMAR Advertising Co. and ProLife America.
Southern Beale over at MRDTALK documents the political bias of LAMAR with photos of some of the billboards LAMAR has refused to display.
When the company turned down an ad for Emergency Contraception from Planned Parenthood, the general manager said it was because he didn't want to receive a lot of phone calls from folks who object to Planned Parenthood.
Below is the contact info for LAMAR's Nashville office and the national toll-free number. You know what to do.
LAMAR Advertising
Phone: 1-800-23-LAMAR
Fax: (225) 928-1034
Nashville Office
Contact: Scott Furcolow
1993 Southerland Dr.
Nashville, TN 37207
Phone: 615-228-5500
Fax: 615-228-5997
Toll Free: 800-647-1578
You can see the billboard at 8th Avenue South at Lafayette St.
Pro Choice LAMAR Advertising Rightwing Business Politics News Nashville Tennessee Reproductive Rights