Would you hire this man?
Our old foe and crusader against gay rights, former State Senator Jeff Miller is back in the news. This time the former laughingstock of the Tennessee Legislature stands accused of soliciting lobbyist work from the gay rights organization, the Tennessee Equality Project.
Oh, how the homophobe has fallen.
The Tennessean: "Project president Chris Sanders said Miller's solicitation was 'certainly not one that we're going to follow up on.'"
"'I suppose he thinks helping pass discriminatory bills would make him an effective advocate for the gay, lesbian and transgender community,' Sanders said Monday."
"Miller did not return telephone messages today from The Associated Press seeking comment."
The last time Miller made the national news was when his wife accused him of committing adultery while he was simultaneously preaching about the holy sanctity of matrimony. The story was picked up by the Associated Press (Advocate, Washington Post, etc.!), DU awarded Miller a place on the famed Top Ten Conservative Idiots list, and bloggers such as Jesus General spread Miller's fame to France and beyond.
Shortly thereafter, the fool decided to do the state a favor and retire from the legislature.
But Miller has not confined himself to fighting against gay rights, by striving to legislate against gay marriage, against civil unions and against all things gay, he's also fought against the First Amendment. And he's been investigated for taking funny money.
Oh, and the sanctimonious ex-senator is also famous for growing a defensive manly beard after it was discovered that his brother is gay.
With all this fame, Miller should have no trouble landing a job in some other country!
"I'm not scared of folks who have an alternative lifestyle; I'm not being scared or phobic in one way or another. . . Homosexuals are not losing anything today. . . They could come to Tennessee and claim rights. That's what I'm afraid of." -- Then State Senator, Jeff Miller
Photo: via the Bradley News Weekly, then Senator Miller was caught off guard in his Cleveland office.
Update: Pam's House Blend has more.
Gay Jeff Miller Tennessee Homophobia Lobbyist Gay Marriage Tennessee Equality Project Cleveland Tennessee