Saturday, October 28, 2006

NBC Tells Dixie Chicks to Shut Up and Sing

Assuming you live in America -- aren't you glad you don't live in a country that has government-owned media?

NBC refuses to air the ad for the Dixie Chicks documentary -- Shut Up and Sing -- cause freedom's on the march right out of this GOP-controlled country.

Cause criticizing the government is unamerican, which is, of course, exactly what Shut Up and Sing is all about.

NBC says it cannot accept ads for the film because they are "disparaging to President Bush." And everybody knows that the First Amendment is all about protecting speech that is not critical of the government.

Via ThinkProgress -- Harvey Weinstein, who is distributing the movie, issued the following statement:

It’s a sad commentary about the level of fear in our society that a movie about a group of courageous entertainers who were blacklisted for exercising their right of free speech is now itself being blacklisted by corporate America. The idea that anyone should be penalized for criticizing the president is profoundly un-American.

Gawd, this is so not my America!

See the ad your government and NBC do not want you to see at ThinkProgress and see Shut Up and Sing at a theater near you, unless that theater is owned by a Republican.