Thursday, October 27, 2005

Frist: Perjury is Totally a Crime

Republicans might want to rethink the strategy of minimalizing the crime of perjury as a mere legal technicality. The Senate Majority Leader has strong views on the crime of perjury.

To not remove President Clinton for grand jury perjury lowers uniquely the Constitution's removal standard, and thus requires less of the man who appoints all federal judges than we require of those judges themselves.

I will have no part in the creation of a constitutional double-standard to benefit the President. He is not above the law. If an ordinary citizen committed these crimes, he would go to jail. -- Bill Frist (R-TN)

Hat tip to The Fixer at Alternate Brain, and Jane at firedoglake who both have lots more snippets of Republican hypocrisy - all finding that perjury is a big time crime when Dems do it.

On a related note: After Frist was outed as a liar, he fessed up about the 20/20 vision of his "blind trusts."