Thursday, October 13, 2005

Bush Teleconference Staged & Bushies Cracking Up

Once again, the Bushies staged a carefully scripted and rehearsed media event and attempted to pass it off as a genuine conversation with the troops.

If it wasn't for fake news, the White House wouldn't have any news at all.


WASHINGTON - In a carefully scripted event, a handpicked group of U.S. troops told President George W. Bush what he wanted to hear on Thursday -- that Iraqis were eager to vote on a new constitution this weekend.

Before Bush entered the room for the event, a senior Pentagon official had a practice session with the troops and went over topics the president later asked about. "All they were doing was talking to the troops and letting them know what to expect," said White House spokesman Scott McClellan.

The Washington Post reports:

The soldiers all gave Bush an upbeat view of the situation.

The president also got praise from the Iraqi soldier who was part of the chat.

"Thank you very much for everything," he gushed. "I like you."

Hey, that Iraqi soldier sounds like he's qualified to serve on the Supreme Court. If Miers doesn't work out, maybe it can be arranged.

Later in the day, there was yet another sign that the Bushies are cracking up. In response to some questions he didn't like, White Houses Press Secretary Scott McClellan declared that Helen Thomas opposes the war on terrorism. One of Thomas' colleagues jumped to her defense. Crooks and Liars has the video.