Thursday, August 04, 2005

The Vacationing 'War' President

Plutonium Page at Daily Kos has the numbers on the Vacationing Prez. He also has the grim numbers from Iraq.

Today is the 320th day Bush has spent on vacation since his inaugeration in 2001.

Gee, why doesn't he just take the rest of the second term off?

Bush Is Breaking the Vacation Records:
(via Seattle Times)

49 - the number of vacations that Bush has taken since he was inaugurated in 2001

5 - the number of weeks that Bush will spend on vacation, starting yesterday. It is the longest presidential vacation in at least 36 years.

319 - August 3, 2005 was the 319th day Bush has spent on vacation since his 2001 inauguration.

20% - the fraction of Bush's presidency that he has spent on vacation

The Vacationing Prez may be on break again but he keeps on reminding us that we are war:

"Make no mistake about it," Bush said. "We are at war."

Too bad this spoiled-rotten-always-on-vacation-whiny-baby of a president is so clueless about what it says about him that he is so eager for leisure while 'we' are at war. Wonder if any other "war president" has come even close to such a leisurely job.

Scott at Thought Mechanics has somewhat kinder thoughts: "It’s too bad we don’t require the President to use a timecard–I’d love to see exactly how much “work” he actually puts in. Famous for his 2 hour exercise breaks and his refusal to work nights or weekends . . . "

Bush is as lazy as he is arrogant.