Thursday, August 18, 2005

Sweet Neo-Con MP3:Rolling Stones

I just listened to Sweet Neo-Con, and the Stones do a super fine job of slamming Bush. As Dubya would say: Bring it on!

Politics is something the Stones typically haven't done at all. "Street Fighting Man," "Sympathy for the Devil" and "Undercover of the Night" had varying degrees of social or political imagery, but nothing like the new "Sweet Neo Con," a song from their upcoming album "A Bigger Bang," also due in September. The lyrics are pointed clearly at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., with its references to Halliburton and gasoline patriots. Among the lines: "It's liberty for all / Democracy's our style / Unless you are against us / Then it's prison without trial."

Bartcop has it; you can listen to "Sweet Neo Con" here.

Via Talkleft