Sunday, August 28, 2005

Camp Casey's Last Weekend & Maher Sheehan Video

Bill Maher interviewed Cindy on Real Time; the video is here.

Check out the Crawford Update blog for the latest at Camp Casey.

Truthout has lots more including the following:
Cindy Sheehan just spoke and said she'd finally figured out what the noble cause was. Bush, she said, wants to kill more American soldiers because he's already killed so many. That's the reason.

When Bush started this war, Cindy said, he said "You're with us or you're against us." "Well," Cindy said, "Mr. President, WE'RE AGAINST YOU!"

Cindy also spoke to the members of the media who have been smearing her and her family. "Smear away," she shouted, "because we're not going away!"

David Swanson over at has been blogging from Camp Casey. Here's a snippet:
The pro-war folks were friendly, as are the residents of Crawford (probably all 705 of them) and the surrounding area. But the inhabitants of Camp Casey are like a loving family. They're welcoming of everyone and tolerant even of diverse opinions on the war. At Camp Casey 2 today, long after the morning's big press conference was over, around 100 or 150 people hung around, mostly talking about the war. Many have inspiring stories about how they got here. Some canceled major plans to come. Some came after hearing another's story on the radio, and then met that other person here.