Monday, April 11, 2005

Democrat from a Blue County to be Honored by Right-to-Life

Tennessee Right to Life is holding a reception to "Honor Tennessee's Pro-Life Leaders" on April 12, from 6-8 p.m.

"Confirmed guests include state Senators Diane Black, Jim Bryson, Raymond Finney, David Fowler, Douglas Henry, Bill Ketron, Randy McNally and state Representatives Dewayne Bunch, Glen Casada, Jerome Cocrhan, Bill Dunn, Dolores Gresham, Tre Hargett, Curtis Johnson, Philip Johnson, Susan Lynn, Mike Turner and many more."

Last year Democratic Rep. Mike Turner sponsored the proposed anti-choice constitutional amendment. Turner represents a portion of the very blue Davidson County. There is an ongoing search for a pro-choice candidate to challenge him in the next election. If you are pro-choice and live in Old Hickory, think about it.

Pro-Life Leader, Democratic Rep. Mike Turner, call him: 615.741.3229.