Friday, March 04, 2005

80 Nashville demonstrators tell antigay legislators: Enough is Enough! . . . More protests are planned for Nashville & Knoxville

Update: Tennessee Independent Media has a story about the Nashville "Stop the Anti-Gay Agenda" demonstration. Here's the google listing:

News :: Civil & Human Rights : Gender and Sexuality : Protest ...Tennessee Independent Media - TN,USAIn response to homophobic legislation being run through the Tennessee State Legislature, the Tennessee Guerilla Women called for a demonstration in front of ...

Some 80 citizens showed up in downtown Nashville to protest the state's antigay agenda; demonstrators were young and old, gay and straight. Check out Freedom Press for more details about the Nashville demonstration.

Another Nashville action is planned for Monday (3-7-05) from 4:30-6:30, same place, Charolotte Avenue facing the Capitol. It's expected that the House will vote on the marriage ban that night, so we can expect more media attention and need more demonstrators. Eighty was decent, but we should have had a thousand. Questions? email me.

This Saturday, there will be a simliar action in Knoxville:

Knoxville: Protest the Anti-gay agenda this Saturday, March 5th

We are on the move to show Tennessee that we as a community are united in our belief that lesbian, gays, bisexual, transgendered, intersexed, queer/questioning and straight supportive.

When: 11:00am – 1:00 pm Saturday, March 5th
Where: Corner of Morrell Road and Kingston Pike at West Towne Mall

For further information about the Knoxville demonstration, email here or here.