Wednesday, September 29, 2010

NOW to Deliver 1,500 Baby Bottle Nipples to Alan Simpson of Catfood Commission

The National Organization for Women (NOW) will be delivering 1,500 baby bottle nipples to big-mouthed former Sen. Alan Simpson of the Catfood Commission today. (See the petition for Simpson's removal from Obama's infamous Catfood Commission over there in the sidebar.)

NOW calls the project: "Tits for an Ass."

NOW announced Tuesday it will head to Capitol Hill to deliver 1,500 baby bottles nipples to Simpson on Wednesday, before the next meeting of the commission on which Simpson serves as co-chairman. . . Several liberal lawmakers and activist groups, including NOW, last month called on Obama to remove Simpson from his post after he wrote an e-mail to a leader of a women's group calling Social Security "a milk cow with 300 million tits."

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