Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Gay Protesters Target Obama At DNC Fundraiser In California Tonight

And so it begins. The honeymoon is over. President Barack Obama, aka Fierce Advocate, will face angry gay protesters tonight as he drops in to raise a little money from Beverly Hills in the bankrupt state of Proposition 8.

And Lt. Dan Choi -- the Arabic linguist who is being fired from the military for the crime of being gay -- will be there.

Look to Rachel Maddow for coverage on tonight's show. [Sorry, I forgot the time difference.] She's got the fairest and most coverage of LGBT issues of all the cable news shows.

From Courage Campaign Events:

Let's take this opportunity, just one day after the CA Supreme Court makes its decision on Proposition 8, to show our President our support for his daring promise to our community and to highlight the growing movement towards FULL FEDERAL EQUALITY. Join us at a rally at 6PM in front of the Beverly Hilton on Wednesday, May 27th.

At 7PM we will be joined by Lt. Dan Choi and other LGBT servicemen & women in opposition to Don't Ask Don't Tell. They will ask for response from President Obama to the letter signed by 136,000 people asking the president not to fire Lt. Choi by ending DADT.

via Towleroad