And another piece of the planet goes left. Yay! Iceland's first feminist and the modern world's first openly lesbian Prime Minister Johanna Sigurdardottir won her office by a landslide! Together the Social Democrats and the Left Greens pulled in 51.5 percent of the vote.
Iceland has two Leftist parties, and we can't even get one genuinely feminist or even liberal party here in the U.S. Why does it seem like every democracy in the world except the backwards U.S. has a multiple party system?
Iceland's feminist and lesbian Prime Minister Johanna Sigurdardottir won easily on the Social Democratic ticket as voters "punished" conservatives for Iceland's "economic meltdown." After 18 years of power, the conservative Independence Party pulled in a pitiful 23.7 percent of the vote. Reportedly, that's "far below" the right-wingers' all time low of 27 percent back in 1987.
Feminist Prime Minister Johanna Sigurdardottir told supporters: ''Our time has come.''
It's Official: Lesbian Rules Iceland
Iceland to Name First Lesbian Prime Minister
Feminist Politics Gender News Gay Women's History Feminist Trailblazer EU Progressive Iceland