And the next time I run into him at a neighborhood yard sale, I'm going to tell him that. Jim Cooper (D-TN) still hasn't answered my letter asking him why I should vote for him when he votes with Republicans. Cooper is my allegedly Democratic Rep.
Nashville is one of the state's most liberal centers, and we have to get stuck with the likes of Jim Cooper? The best thing I can say about Jim Cooper is that he is not Bill Frist.
So the famously hypocritical Blue Dog Dem was shooting his mouth off on Liberadio and making up excuses for the shameful fact that he was one of eleven Democrats to vote with Republicans against the stimulus bill.
Obama made him do it. 'Obama folks' 'quietly' told him to oppose the bill. Yeah, and back in the 1990's, Bill Clinton folks made Cooper oppose Hillary's universal health care plan.
Apparently, Obama folks have given Cooper some new orders:
Administration officials emphatically deny Cooper’s claim. “There’s absolutely no truth to it,” said a senior Obama aide Wednesday morning. “Why would we do this?” asked another.
A Cooper aide declined to say whether the congressman had gotten a phone call from the administration. But when contacted about the matter, an Obama aide said the congressman would be putting out a statement — and a House Democratic leadership aide said he had gotten Cooper’s statement from the White House. . .
“At no point did any member of President Obama’s staff encourage me to vote against the House economic recovery bill,” Cooper said Wednesday.
Yesterday, Pelosi's staff began distributing copies of Cooper's statement. In his radio interview, Cooper repeatedly referred to the House leadership as "old bulls." If that's supposed to be a sexist slur aimed at Nancy Pelosi, well, I eagerly await Nancy's revenge.
TN Blue-Dog Dem Jim Cooper Blames Obama Staff for His Nay Vote and ...
Firedoglake » Is Blue Dog Jim Cooper a Liar or a Tool?
Digby: Jim Cooper is an enemy of universal health care.
Cooper in doghouse for remark - Patrick O'Connor - Politico.com
Tennessee Politics Democratic News Pelosi Stimulus Hillary Clinton