Today on MSNBC, anchor Tamron Hall hosted a segment discussing RNC chair candidate Chip Saltsman’s Christmas greeting this year that contained a CD with the song “Barack the Magic Negro” on it. During the discussion, Kate Obenshain, vice president of Young America’s Foundation, defended the song, calling it “a parody.” But Hall, an African-American, quickly interjected, saying there is nothing “funny or amusing” about it (see video below).
HALL: Well let me tell you this — if someone referred to me as “Tamron Hall the Magic Negro Anchor Lady,” I would never see it as anything funny or amusing. Hall later told Obenshain, “you’re not going to win a lot of people over calling them ‘Magic Negros.’”
I agree. It's not funny. There is nothing funny about calling Barack Obama a "Magic Negro." And it wouldn't be funny if Tennessee's own Chip Saltsman called Tamron Hall a "Magic Negro." It's a racially insensitive term, and it's a sure-fire way for the GOP to lose the 3 African Americans who are, for some reason, still in the Republican Party.

And it wouldn't be funny to make a Jon Favreau style joke about date-raping or sexually assaulting Tamron Hall.
And it wouldn't be funny to accuse Tamron Hall of being an incestuous pedophile. Racism, Sexism, Homophobia, they're all equally offensive. Too bad MSNBC is guilty of so much sexism that it is known as the Misogyny Channel. And it's too fucking bad that President-Elect Barack Obama leads only on the one offense that applies personally to him.
"What we have to do is be able to create an atmosphere where we can disagree with out being disagreeable and then focus on those things that we hold in common as Americans. ....."
Update: Reclusive Leftist: Homophobia: bad! Racism: bad! Sexism: eh
GOP reaction divided over controversial Obama song
Barack the magic negro
Racism Sexism Homophobia Jon Favreau Hillary Clinton Inaugeration Obama Rick Warren Politics Gender Gay Prop 8 Lesbian News Gay Marriage Misogyny Chip Saltsman