Here's TGW's pick for the Number One Sexist Ad of 2008. . . the honor goes to Dolce and Gabbana for selling shoes by promoting rape.
Jon Favreau might want to send Dolce and Gabbana his resume.
Aren't you glad we've left those bad old sexist days of the 1950s so far behind?
Alex Leo on sexist ads of 2008:
RAPE -- The world of high fashion has been the worst offender in the violence-as-art game. Cavalli had pirates, Chanel had a wife beater, and now Dolce and Gabbana has this.
Let's get this out there now: It's not edgy, it's ridiculous. This is a gang rape, and any woman that sees those shoes instead of that message deserves those shoes. Any man who doesn't see that this is rape is probably looking at one of the hard bodies in the background and therefore not really a threat to women.
Feminist Politics Gender News Misogyny Patriarchy Year of Misogyny 2008