Friday, November 14, 2008

Hillary for Secretary of State?

Update: CNN is reporting that Barack Obama did contact Hillary Clinton, and they did have a private meeting. As is M. Ambinder.

Hillary Rodham Clinton for Secretary of State? Coincidentally, Hillary flew to Chicago on the very same day this was leaked.

Oh, but John Kerry and Bill "Judas" Richardson have their little hearts set on this job! I admit it. Seeing these turncoats lose out to Hillary would make my day.

From NBC’s Andrea Mitchell: Two Obama advisers have told NBC News that Hillary Clinton is under consideration to be secretary of state. Would she be interested? Those who know Clinton say possibly. But her office says that any decisions about the transition are up to the president-elect and his team.

Clinton was seen taking a flight to Chicago today, but an adviser says it was on personal business. It is unknown whether she had any meeting or conversation with Obama while there.

[S]ome Obama advisers argue that her celebrity and credibility would be a huge asset in his goal of reengaging the United States with allies. “You can send John Kerry or Chuck Hagel,” said one adviser, mentioning some other candidates for secretary of state, “or you can send Hillary Clinton. That’s totally different.”

Update: HRC for Secretary of State: Crazy or Crazy Like a Fox?
Politico: Hillary goes to Chicago
Hillary Clinton could be Sec. of State
Officials: Sen. Clinton Eyed as Secretary of State
Obama gets the Clinton band back together