Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Palin Misogyny Watch: Reebok Rep Terry Tate Promotes Violence Against Women (Video)

Move over Keith Olbermann. The 'manly' woman-hater in the CBS (Katie Couric) video clip below is Reebok representative “Terry Tate”, a former football player whose real name is Lester Speight.

Watch Lester beat up Sarah Palin and act like it is just so funny. You thought you had problems? Imagine being this creep's girlfriend, or wife, or sister, or daughter, or mother. Oh, wait. There are lots more just like him.

Living with the misogyny is just so empowering. And we are reminded of why so few women enter the male dominated professions. We are reminded of why there are so few women leaders and so many wives. It's a fu*king wonder women like Sarah Palin are permitted to live. We are reminded that many of them aren't.

The violence promoting woman-hater clearly believes that beating up women who disagree with him is what cool dudes do. But the fear of getting beaten up and killed by men who think we have some nerve to disagree with them is not only not funny, it's life-numbing reality for millions of women and girls. Does Reebok think this is funny? Ask them: daniel.sarro@reebok.com/

Read about it at The New Agenda.

1) Let Reebok know that we expect a public statement disavowing their relationship to Lester Speight, and that you will boycott their products until they tell Speight to cease and desist (contact Daniel Sarro, Reebok Public Relations, at 781-401-5000 or email him at daniel.sarro@reebok.com/); . . read more . .

Email Katie Couric: couricandco@cbs.com

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