MSNBC is still doing an excellent job of making Fox News look fair and balanced. In the video clip below Andrea Mitchell airs a heavily edited clip of Bill Clinton's appearance on Meet the Press. The Clinton haters at the MSNBC propaganda network edited the clip so heavily that it completely distorts Clinton's remarks. As always, MSNBC's aim is to make Clinton look like an utter fool. Yeah, I know. This is what we have come to expect from MSNBC. Lies. On a slow news day, they make stuff up. See Media Matters' summary of the crime below the clip.
On the September 29 edition of MSNBC Live, NBC News chief foreign affairs correspondent Andrea Mitchell aired a heavily cropped version of former President Bill Clinton's remarks during an interview broadcast on NBC's Meet the Press the previous day, then called Clinton's comments "hardly an endorsement" of Sen. Barack Obama and "not as effusive as you would expect." Specifically, Mitchell aired a clip of Clinton seemingly declining to respond in the affirmative when asked by Meet the Press host Tom Brokaw, "Would you use the same words for him [Obama] that you have used for Senator [John] McCain -- that you admire him, and that you think he's a -- and that he's a great man?" But Mitchell did not air or otherwise note Clinton's statements moments later that he "certainly admire[s]" Obama and that Obama's "greatness will ... become apparent" when he is elected president.
Additionally, the video clip misleadingly cropped Clinton's statement, "Hillary is the one who told me to go help him [Obama]. She said this guy's got real skills." Omitting what Clinton said just before, the clip as cropped falsely suggested that Clinton had said he was going to "go help" Obama's presidential campaign only at Sen. Hillary Clinton's request.
Andrea Mitchell Hillary Clinton Bill Clinton News Politics Gender Barack Obama Clinton Derangement Syndrome